A sixth shooting star is seen briefly at the far right, representing Iggy who is yet to be introduced. Five shooting stars, representing the five Crusaders, zooming into the skyline before crashing into the ground. The next scene after the logo shows the camera rising out of the ocean, staring at the full moon, referencing DIO's return. The Katakana characters "Jo" can be seen popping out at the screen as Star Platinum punches repeatedly before the logo is seen entirely. The opening scene shows Jonathan posing for the camera and the younger Joseph attacking it with his Ripple overdrive, before showing Jotaro, initially turning his back on the screen, then turning around and pointing at the screen and summoning Star Platinum, who then unleashes his blazing fists. On Billboard's other charts in Japan, the song also performed well: number 3 on the Hot Animation and Top Independent Albums and Singles charts, and 2 on the Hot Singles Sales charts.

On Billboard W's Japan Hot 100 W, the song debuted and peaked at 11. On the Oricon W's Weekly Singles Charts, "Stand Proud" peaked at number 13 after being on the charts for 2 weeks. The single was released for sale on April 23rd 2014. Animated by Studio Kamikaze Douga, the song is performed by Jin Hashimoto, with lyrics by Shoko Fujibayashi W, composition by Takatuku Wakabayashi W, and arrangement (and guitars) by ZENTA W. " STAND PROUD" is the first opening of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders and the third overall opening in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime. JoJo Sono Chi no Kioku ~end of THE WORLD~ Stardust Crusaders Episode 2 - Episode 10, Episode 12 - Episode 24, Episode 39 Credits Studio